Weekend Worship Opportunities


Worship Experience @10am

Everyone is invited to join us in our sanctuary at 10 am for worship through song and a message from God. Every Sunday service is also available live on Facebook or a recorded podcast is available later in the week.

Children’s church @10am

Children are invited to join Children’s Pastor, Jaci, downstairs for a children’s service while the adults worship upstairs. Children start the service upstairs and are excused by Pastor Erik after announcements and worship songs.


All Grow Groups meet at 9am.

Please see an usher or other staff with questions or if you are unsure which room to go to.


Adults - taught by Dawn Feder

High School & Adults - “Disciplined Whole Health” taught by Robben Gitzel


Middle School - taught by Adrian & Hannah Granados

4k-5th Grade - taught by Children’s Team Adults


Saturdays @9am

Women of all ages are invited to join us as we study different books that help us dive deeper into what God is teaching us. Join us for special events to hear about how God shows up in the lives of women in our community.